
Saturday, December 11, 2010

Country Christmas - Day 1

There is so much going on around this small town that it is getting hard to remember everything. But one thing happened I do NOT want to forget, and that is the comment from Margaret in Nelson, New Zealand,  which showed it's face at the end of  the last post, the end of "Christmas Lights, Part 2".

I don't know how many of you write blogs, but I can attest to the fact that those of us who do, like to hear from people just to remind us that someone is reading. Most of us subscribe to some kind of statistic service to make sure we are not simply spitting into the wind, but those are never accurate because anybody can put a cookie somewhere to block the statistic service.

So, Margaret, thanks very much for the thought!!  Especially from someplace having summer right now.

Today was the first day of the "Country Christmas" and it was great fun!!!. I took lots of photos, but I'm told the more I put in of a reasonable size, the longer it takes some computers to open them. So I'll just put in a dozen or so with a few comments, and we will see about tomorrow for more.

This young lady was one of MANY cute kids who came to eat, color, make ginger bread houses, talk to  Santa, and generally have a good time. I thought we could find Gene Kelly and they  could do a duet of singing in the rain. I know, I know my age is showing. But I heard some woman talking to an older man and she asked, "Who is this Howdie Doodie you keep talking about?"  Ouch! Time marches on.
And today I thought I finally found the real Santa. After all, who would wear this hat?

and this sweatshirt

  Except the man himself !!

But then I went to a place where I found this (and PLEASE do not show this to your children).
But I know which one the REAL one is. He's the one I caught starting his speech to the elves about the hard economic times and increase in population, etc. 

You can't tell me he's not the REAL S. Clause. I guess I could ask his wife ... she will be at the Tea Room at a later date.

But the people today were really fun. Renee was telling me that she enjoys this holiday so much because she was born on Christmas. But I couldn't get a non-blurry picture of her because she moves so fast working at the General Store. And you can tell how badly her co-workers did NOT want their photos taken (yeah, right!)

I promise to show you the people who came ... tomorrow.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

now you just need a little snow (instead of rain) and you will have a picture book Christmas