All right, I admit it. I have an "issue". What is it? It's this: This weekend (July 2&3) this town should be crawling with cars ... hot rods, old cars, new cars, fast cars, race cars, test cars, antique cars... on and on the list will go. But that's not my problem. I'm a car nut, so I plan to enjoy that.
Most of you who know me, know I used to own an auto parts store and I sold these folks a lot of material. I only mention this to note that these car buffs have AN INCREDIBLE amount of time and money invested in these cars. Five years to rest
ore one of these? Try ten or more to do it right. Remember when you could pick up a hot rod for 5 grand? You can pay that much for a stinkin' MANIFOLD nowdays.
They have pride in their cars. You can't blame them. And if this show is like most of the others, they will pay more to show their car
s than you will to see them. Can you imagine calling up Larry, the Cable Guy and saying "Will you come to Port Gamble and pay us to put on a show that we will all watch for nothin'?" That's what happens at almost every car show. The people that pay to register (enter) are the guys that spent thousands to build the cars, not the many more who came to see them.
What is wrong with this picture? Here's something that might be wrong: at the last car show you went to, did you say "Thanks for bringing your car" to these
guys? Are you going to put money in the donation basket for their cause? (Susan G Komen For the Cure For Breast Cancer.) Please do. If they can spend 50 grand on building a rod (and they spend that much or more) can you spend $20 on their cause?
You are going to get as much, or more, entertainment out of this show than they are. Help them get their "feel good" today by knowing that you showed your appreciation to them for bringing their cars and were willing to help their cause. Remember that they will be at Port Gamble from 10 am to 3 pm July 2nd and 3rd and their cause will be Susan G. Komen For the Cure For Breast Cancer. The last time this group got tegether there were over 400 cars!! Now THAT will be a pleasant sight.
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